NetBalancer Pro/Free 5.0 - New Version

Thu, 02-Feb-2012

Rules, rules, rules... We love rules. We make them , break them, fix them and improve them.

This update of NetBalancer is once again about Rules, and brings to you one important improvement, the "Condition" which specifies, well... the condition when a Rule becomes active. For example you can set a rule to become active only "when its traffic is more the 1 GB for the last 1 month", quite useful when you are on a limited internet data plan.

Or when the night traffic is free combine it with the rule's "Time" settings already present in NetBalancer. This way the possibilities become even more endless than before, that's why we love Rules!

Now you love them too, right? Right???

Update: 10 Feb 2012 - We've fixed some minor errors, download the 5.0.2 version from the same links. Ladies and Gentlemen, many thanks for the reports. Send us more!

Click here for the left one and there for the right one.